Straight from the horse’s mouth – the real-life experience of an Online Maths Grinds student.

online leaving cert maths grinds

a student's experience

We could make all the claims in the world, but the real value of our Online Leaving Cert Maths Grinds can really only be summed up by someone who has gone through the full Tuition Centre experience. So with that in mind, we spoke to Aishling Walshe from the Class of 2022, to see how she found us – and whether she’d be prepared to recommend us to fellow-students for Online Leaving Cert Maths Grinds.

First of all, we asked Aishling why she felt she needed Online Maths Grinds in the first place. Her answer was extremely honest.

“When I first started Leaving Certificate Higher Level Maths, it is fair to say I was completely out of my depth. I struggled with basic algebra, an essential skill to get through the course. On failing my fifth year Christmas Maths exam I felt deflated and knew that I needed help to just pass this exam in the leaving certificate. Online Maths Grinds was very definitely one of the areas that sprang to mind if I was to achieve the success that I needed.”

Aishling’s next step was to start researching the help that was available to her, whether this would involve face-to-face grinds or going down the Online Maths Grinds route. In the end, she opted for virtual, as Online Leaving Cert Maths Grinds gave her - and her parents - maximum flexibility in terms of time and effort.
 After some research, I discovered The Tuition Centre. For me and my very busy parents, it really stood out as I could do all Online Maths Grinds without necessarily having to be at a particular place at a particular time. For Leaving Cert Higher Level Maths, they were especially amazing as I could go to the live class as part of my Online Leaving Cert Maths Grinds and ask all the questions I wanted, and then I could also re-watch the class if I struggled with that specific topic. Both my grade and outlook changed towards higher level maths and I began to look forward to my weekly grind with Eoghan."
The Eoghan in question is Eoghan O’Leary, who is an absolute legend among our current and former students when it comes to Online Maths Grinds. He has a genius for making the complex seem simple, and his endless patience and supportive manner have helped countless numbers to achieve their goals. He takes an exceptional level of interest in each and every one of our students, and treats every one of them as a ‘project’ in their own right. His Online Leaving Cert Maths Grinds have become something of an institution in The Tuition Centre – and rightly so!

Online Leaving Cert Maths Grinds

But what happened next for Aishling, and did she have to study with students of different levels of ability?

Just how helpful were her Online Leaving Cert Maths Grinds in practice? 

"In sixth year, the class was divided into H6-H3 hopefuls and H2-H1 hopefuls. This again was something essential for Leaving Cert Higher Level Maths as the H1-H2 class moved at a very quick pace - but we still had the option to go back to the other class for certain topics that were more difficult. It was so helpful.”

Aishling believes that the capacity to revise at her own pace as part of her Online Leaving Cert Maths Grinds was critical to her overall success, and let her move along at a speed that was unique to her talents and abilities.

“Throughout sixth year, Eoghan hosted countless revision courses which is where I believe I learnt the most - although they were intense. His positive attitude towards the course and sense of humour made them so enjoyable and well worth all the time I invested. As they say, Maths is all about PRACTICE!

ONline leaving cert maths grinds - the results

So what was the outcome for Aishling, and where did this formula of constant revision and individual attention lead to as a result of her Online Leaving Cert Maths Grinds? And remember how badly she was struggling at the beginning of her story!

“Fast forward a couple of months, I sat both my school pre-exam and the free pre-exam provided by The Tuition Centre, and achieved a H2 and a H1 respectively. I could not have achieved results like these without the help of Eoghan.”

So far, so good, But did this level of success in pre-exams translate into success on the big day?

“I am delighted to say with the help of Eoghan I have not only gained loads of confidence with Maths but have gotten a H1 in my Leaving Certificate exam! And I put this all down to my Online Maths Grinds.”

Having gone through the Tuition Centre experience, how much of her success does Aishling attribute to Eoghan, and has she any words of advice for students who might be looking to emulate her?

“Leaving Certificate Higher Level Maths is a long and tough course but with Eoghan’s help and a lot of PRACTICE, I believe anyone is capable of achieving their desired grade.”

So there you have it – a resounding endorsement from one of our actual students, who went from being – in her own words – ‘completely out of my depth’ to a H1.

Aishling’s story is typical of those who take an Online Maths Grind at the Tuition Centre, and is proof positive that even the most challenged of students can achieve success if they’re in the right environment, studying with their peers, with easy access to revision, and with the support of an amazing tutor such as Eoghan O’Leary.

SHOULD you do ONLINE maths grinds?

If you’re considering investing in Online Leaving Cert Maths Grinds over the coming months, you’ll find the same friendly welcome that Aishling found at The Tuition Centre, and we’re 100% confident that we can change your attitude to Maths from one of doubt to one of absolute confidence.

If you’re already strong at Maths, of course, you’ll find the going even easier, and receive a level of support that’s tailored to more advanced students. But no matter what your level of ability may be, we’ve got a place for you at The Tuition Centre when it comes to Online Maths Grinds.