Leaving Certificate, Higher Level

Irish Grinds - Writing 4 Aiste in 4 Lessons

  • Teacher
    Pearse Ahern
  • Exam
    Leaving Certificate
  • Level
    Higher Level
  • Learning Mode
Meet Your Teacher

Pearse Ahern

Pearse has over 15 years experience in secondary schools and prior to that he taught English and Irish as second languages in Madrid. He is the co-author of the Junior Cycle textbooks series Croí na Gaeilge (EDCO) and the co-author of the revision notes Junior Cycle Success. Pearse was awarded first class honours for his Masters Thesis to DCU outlining theories on how to improve second language proficiency. He has worked with the State Examinations Commission and is currently a Cúntóir Teagaisc in Fiontar agus Scoil na Gaeilge which is part of DCU.

Pearse believes it is essential that students can manipulate their notes and material so as to address the exam head on. This is the overriding issue needed to unlock the new exam format. The ability to respond to pictures, reading comprehension and other multi modal material will be critical for students who wish to excel at this level. The vocabulary and techniques to do this will all be covered in this course. In summary this course will teach you how to read, write and respond as Gaeilge.  

What will be covered:

4 Aiste in 4 Lessons. This core section of the paper can make or break your final result as Gaeilge. Pearse will cover 4 Aiste and give you the confidence you need to write these clearly.

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