Business: Unit 1: People in Business

  • Teacher
    Olwyn O'Donovan
  • Exam
    Leaving Certificate
  • Pre-recorded
    January 2025
  • Duration
    2 hours of lessons
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Meet Your Teacher

Olwyn O'Donovan

Olwyn O’Donovan is a teacher of Leaving Certificate Business and Accounting, LCA Vocational Preparation and Guidance, LCVP, TY Enterprise and Junior Certificate Business Studies in Co. Donegal.

She has examined both Leaving Certificate and Junior Certificate Business. Olwyn has provided many workshops for teachers, sharing resources and teaching practices for Junior and Senior Business. She is also an active officer of the Business Studies Teachers Association of Ireland.
Chloe Keane

What will be
Covered in this Class

This unit generally appears in Section 3 of the Higher Level LC Business Paper in Part 1 as Q1 and Q4. Both are 60 mark questions which account for 30% of the written paper. In Section 3, you are given Part 1 (containing Q1-4) and Part 2 (containing Q5-8). You must complete 4 questions in total, with at least one question from Part 1 and one question from Part 2. The other two questions can be from either section.
People in Business:
Lesson 1 - Stakeholders and relationships: Students will be introduced to the stakeholders of a business and why their needs are important. They will explore the types of business relationships that can exist between the various stakeholders.
Lesson 2 - Contract Law: Students will be introduced to the 7 elements of Contract Law, Termination of Contracts and the remedies for Breach of Contract.
Consumer Conflict
Lesson 3 - Consumer Law: Students will learn about the rights of Consumers, and how consumers can solve conflict with businesses in both legislative and non-legislative ways. Students will also be in a position to evaluate each of these methods.
Industrial Relations
Lesson 4 - Industrial relations: Students will examine the main reasons for Industrial Action, as well as the types of Industrial Action employees can take. Students will examine in detail the Industrial Relations Act 1990 as well as exploring non-legislative solutions to workplace disputes.
Lesson 5 - Employment Law: Students will examine in detail the Unfair Dismissals Act, Employment Equality Act, the WRC and the Labour Court.
Recorded course: you will have access to the course recording to replay the class at your own pace, as often as you like.

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