Maths Workshop for Parents of 1st and 2nd Year Students

Mathematics can be very daunting, not only for students but also for parents. With the extra 25 points now available at higher level Leaving Certificate, parents want to ensure that their child has the best opportunity to study Leaving Certificate Mathematics at higher level, thus studying it at Junior Cycle is necessary. Maths has evolved a lot in the last 30 years, and the approach to teaching it is quite different to the way that students are now being taught.  The Maths Course for Parents provides parents with the foundational skills needed to support their child at 1st and 2nd year Maths.

Problem solving is such a huge part of maths and students need to want to challenge themselves, feel they can attempt the question and try to figure it out; however, they need confidence in Mathematics to do this. This not only comes from within themselves but also from their support network.

The Maths Course for Parents can help foster a link between home and school. It is designed to empower parents to support their child’s mathematical journey and to understand the material that their child is being taught in school. Notes will be provided, so that when your child approaches you, they will function as a guide for you to be able to sit down with them and in a step-by-step approach help support them in understanding what is happening at each stage of the method. This will help parents encourage their child to grow while instilling confidence in their ability to scaffold in learning. Feedback on past workshops conveyed that parents were able to acquire the skills necessary to help their child at home in addition to bridging the gap between the concepts they were taught in school and the new concepts currently being taught.