Taking part in Higher Leaving Cert Maths Grinds or Junior Cert Maths Grinds? Here are 7 practical tips for getting the best out of your revision.
If you have a
wonderful Maths teacher in your school or you’ve chosen to look to outside sources for Higher Leaving Cert Maths Grinds or Junior Cert Maths Grinds, it’s inevitable that much of your work throughout the year will
involve revision. This can simply involve a quick look back over the last week
or two, or can be a major revision of the entire course in the run-up to exams.
For the purpose of this blog, we’re
talking about the second case mentioned, so here are our top 7 pieces of advice
for making the most of your precious studying and revision time.
![Online Leaving Cert Maths Grinds](https://lwfiles.mycourse.app/thetuitioncentre-public/e15ea1e3bda4a46452a1b142c93cb798.jpeg)
1. The earlier you start, the easier it is.
Even if you’re partaking in Higher Leaving Cert Maths Grinds or Junior Cert Maths Grinds, you probably know at this early stage of the 2022/3 academic year that you’re going to need to revise for next summer’s exams outside of your grind times. And if that’s the case, it makes absolutely no sense to lump it all into April or May of next year. Doing a little revision on a regular basis right now will help you avoid a whole world of pain if you decide to opt for the ‘cramming’ approach.
We also recommend that you put together a simple, written plan. There are lots of simple templates available online. It doesn’t need to be over-complicated – it just needs to let you see where you are at any given week or month. This way, you can easily see if there’s a logjam coming up further down the line – and plan accordingly.
Obviously, there will be a significant difference in the need to revise based on what cycle you’re involved in. Depending on whether you’re involved in a Higher Leaving Cert Maths grind or Junior Cert Maths Grinds, there can be a major difference in how much you need to dedicate to studying or revising. As to when you should revise, the ideal time is earlier in the day, when you’re that much fresher. It’s not always possible, of course, but maybe you might have a bit more flexibility at weekends or during school holidays to hit the book early rather than late.
Even if you’re partaking in Higher Leaving Cert Maths Grinds or Junior Cert Maths Grinds, you probably know at this early stage of the 2022/3 academic year that you’re going to need to revise for next summer’s exams outside of your grind times. And if that’s the case, it makes absolutely no sense to lump it all into April or May of next year. Doing a little revision on a regular basis right now will help you avoid a whole world of pain if you decide to opt for the ‘cramming’ approach.
We also recommend that you put together a simple, written plan. There are lots of simple templates available online. It doesn’t need to be over-complicated – it just needs to let you see where you are at any given week or month. This way, you can easily see if there’s a logjam coming up further down the line – and plan accordingly.
Obviously, there will be a significant difference in the need to revise based on what cycle you’re involved in. Depending on whether you’re involved in a Higher Leaving Cert Maths grind or Junior Cert Maths Grinds, there can be a major difference in how much you need to dedicate to studying or revising. As to when you should revise, the ideal time is earlier in the day, when you’re that much fresher. It’s not always possible, of course, but maybe you might have a bit more flexibility at weekends or during school holidays to hit the book early rather than late.
2. Don’t forget that it’s not all about studying or revision.
Doing Higher Leaving Cert Maths Grinds or Junior Cert Maths Grinds are obviously wonderful ways of giving yourself an ‘unfair advantage', but don’t get too caught up in the world of study. We can sometimes be tempted into believing that studying is the be-all and end-all of our lives when we’re facing up to exams.
Doing Higher Leaving Cert Maths Grinds or Junior Cert Maths Grinds are obviously wonderful ways of giving yourself an ‘unfair advantage', but don’t get too caught up in the world of study. We can sometimes be tempted into believing that studying is the be-all and end-all of our lives when we’re facing up to exams.
The truth is that doing nothing but study or revision will wear you out very quickly – and you simply won’t have the energy or the inclination to hit the books. We spoke earlier about doing a schedule, so make sure this schedule has room for exercise, sport, time with friends – or just time to chill on your own the odd time!
3. Making sure you're getting enough sleep.
You simply can’t study on a regular basis without getting enough sleep. In an ideal world, keeping your going to bed time and getting up time as consistent as possible will pay big dividends. Don’t be tempted to ‘load up’ with sleep at weekends – that’s not how your system works.
You simply can’t study on a regular basis without getting enough sleep. In an ideal world, keeping your going to bed time and getting up time as consistent as possible will pay big dividends. Don’t be tempted to ‘load up’ with sleep at weekends – that’s not how your system works.
You’ll absorb and retain way more when you feel refreshed, so don’t get caught up in the tiredness trap where you’re constantly working – but not getting the results. And if you happen to be taking Higher Leaving Cert Maths Grinds or Junior Cert Maths Grinds, don’t be tempted to let this cut into your sleep time.
4. It’s true – a healthy mind works best in a healthy body!
It’s very easy to get caught up in a spiral of constant study and revision – and forget that you need to keep your body in good shape if you’re to get the most out of your mind. We’ve spoken already about sleeping well, but eating well is another key part of the jigsaw. This is particularly so when you’re taking on an extra workload in the form of Leaving Cert Maths Grinds or Junior Cert Maths Grinds.It’s really tempting when you’re against the clock to stock up on junk food and gobble it down quickly, but taking a little extra time to enjoy a healthier option will keep you alert and focused. And don’t forget to include lots of water as part of your diet.
Keep a bottle near you at all times, and make sure it becomes second nature to you to drink from it throughout the day. In an ideal world, you’d be getting plenty of exercise, but this can often come under pressure as the exams get nearer. Don’t give up on movement, however. Even getting up from your workspace for three or four minutes every hour and moving your body can pay huge dividends.
5. You deserve your regular treats.
It can get very boring and very disheartening if life is all about study and revision. You can be under a lot of time pressure with regular school work plus your Leaving Cert Maths Grinds or Junior Cert Maths Grinds but make sure life is not solely about work. When you hit some of your revision targets, you’re due a reward. Maybe a visit to the cinema, a mini binge on a favourite TV series, or perhaps just going on a video call with a friend. If you do it regularly enough, you’ll find yourself way more energised and interested when you get back to your studies.
It can get very boring and very disheartening if life is all about study and revision. You can be under a lot of time pressure with regular school work plus your Leaving Cert Maths Grinds or Junior Cert Maths Grinds but make sure life is not solely about work. When you hit some of your revision targets, you’re due a reward. Maybe a visit to the cinema, a mini binge on a favourite TV series, or perhaps just going on a video call with a friend. If you do it regularly enough, you’ll find yourself way more energised and interested when you get back to your studies.
6. Test yourself – or get a friend to test you.
We can often fool ourselves that everything we’re studying or revising is lodging in our heads, but the best way to prove this is by regular testing. Even if you’re taking Higher Leaving Cert Maths Grinds or Junior Cert Maths Grinds , you can sometimes have a black spot where material simply isn’t sinking in, hence the need to test yourself.Sometimes you can test yourself, but it often helps if you get a friend or a family member to come up with some dastardly questions from the material that you’re working on. When you’re tested regularly – and have to formulate an answer – it embeds itself in your brain way more effectively than simply repeating it to yourself mechanically. Another tip to make sure that it’s sinking in is to teach someone else – maybe a friend who’s struggling to keep up. By helping them, you’re actually helping yourself.
7. Don’t panic – you’ve got this!
As exam day gets closer, many of us often feel that it’s all too much for us, and that we haven’t studied enough. But trust the fact that you’ve been following a plan, and that the time you’ve invested will pay off.
As exam day gets closer, many of us often feel that it’s all too much for us, and that we haven’t studied enough. But trust the fact that you’ve been following a plan, and that the time you’ve invested will pay off.
Also, remember that you don’t have to know every single thing on the syllabus to succeed. And if you have one bad day during your exams, don’t let it set up negative expectations for the rest of your exams. Many students have got excellent overall result despite having a nightmare on one of the exams.
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