- Lightning strikes produce Ozone, hence the characteristic smell after lightning storms.
- The only two non-silvery metals are gold and copper.
- Water expands when freezes, unlike other substances.
- Glass is actually a liquid, it just flows very, very slowly.
- Superfluid Helium defies gravity and climbs on walls.
- If you pour a handful of salt into a glass of water, the water level will go down.
- Diamond and graphite are both entirely made of carbon and nothing else.
- The rarest naturally-occurring element in the Earth’s crust is astatine.
- DNA is a flame retardant.
- One inch of rain is equal to 10 inches of snow.
- A rubber tyre is technically one single, giant, polymerized molecule.
- Air becomes liquid at -190°C.
- Mars is red because of iron oxide.
- Our stomach is full of acid strong enough to melt metal.